
How does a person find the next thing that they desire?

What inspires them? Who helps them to make the right choice? Find out by taking a deep dive into 83 million German filter bubbles.

Filter Bubble Deep Dive

Features and functions of the JvM Bubbleversum

Make filter bubbles visible
To see your filter bubble, define a target group by assigning it topic characteristics, intensity, age, and gender.
See filter bubbles in real-time
Search through the content that appeals to your target group.
Filter by platform
Filter for content on the platforms that your target group uses.
Filter by topics
Better understand the target group's filter bubble by filtering for the most popular topics in their feed.
All target group data
You can find out everything - from attitudes, to purchase behaviors, to demographics, etc. - and really get to know your defined target group here.
Compare filter bubbles
The visual representation of the data clouds (t-SNE Plots) shows you how the filter bubbles of the individual target-group attributes relate to each other. The more compact the clouds, the more similar the filter bubbles. The more spread out the cloud, the lower the filter-bubble effect.
Leider ist aktuell das JvM Bubbleversum noch nicht auf mobilen Endgeräten verfügbar.